Monday 28 February 2011


It is very VERY difficult to do multiple things at the highest level.

To be truly great at anything requires 100% complete attention. Usually this is at the behest of other responsibilities or commitments. It has become clear to me however that training at full intensity means the downfall of one of my most important and serious activities ... BLOGGING.

Blogging over the past 3 years for me has often been a crutch when I am juggling too many things or not at full steam in training for whatever reason. It can be a great method to vent or even just pull yourself up a bit with some positive writing. In 2008 and 2009 I was just starting in the sport and in hindsight really didn't know where I was going or what I was doing. In 2010 I had a crazy amount of work to juggle with my final year of university and though I was doing my utmost to train at 100% it just didn't happen, more often than not (always the right call) my studies took the place of key sessions. The base load sessions were there just the high level intensity stuff was missed.

Looking at my blogging past therefore you can see the peak in the winter of 2009 and spring of 2010, highlighting the time of most distraction. I am not saying those who blog more are more distracted, just in my own case it seems as if the more I blog the more I am trying to convince myself of things I am doing that maybe I am missing out on. An online crutch.

Well ... seeing as this is my 3rd blog post of 2011 (a 78% reduction on posts from this time last year) I guess I have been busy - and I have! I am well and truly into the "train to race" part of the winter with all the base miles put away and intensity focus starting to shift into my weekly routine.

I am working with a new run coach here in Vancouver who has taken full control of my run training, Jerry Ziak, the hugely accomplished elite runner, coach and awesome dude.

My first race of the year is next Sunday with a 5km road running race. Looks like most of the Canadian National Triathlon team guys will be racing and though I have no likely chances of being up with them (those of which who run low 15 minute 5kms) but the plan is to run hard and try and I'll be looking for a good time.

This year being full time I genuinely plan to run fast, which in comparison to years past wont be too hard of a bar to hurdle but I am giving it 110. And a big thank you to those who told me to just get my act together and get a serious run program together. Its made a huge difference...but we'll wait and see how that pans out in racing.

Triathlon #1 of the year is in 48 days and I am itching to get going.

Who really wants to read about me though, here are some pictures from this past weekend in Tofino (for my birthday) .... such a nice place:

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