Tuesday 28 April 2009

Leaving Vancouver

Here we go, after an 8 and a half month stint here in Vancouver I'm packing up my room for the summer.

I can't and won't even try to describe in one post the fun I've had. Just look back over my last 8 months of writing and you can see, it's been amazing.

I'm finding it pretty hard to pack everything up as it means I can't hide from the fact that I have to leave for a while but I do have lots to look forward to this summer including the Wildflower triathlon that I'm flying out to California for tomorrow. It's a huge event and will be great experience for me, will also give me my first Olympic distance race of the season.

I want to say a huge thank you to everyone who has helped me train so hard out here, given me a hand when I've needed it and made my life easier. The list is a mile long but I'll for sure mention my sponsors Speed Theory who have become my family out here, my family back home who have made sure I wasn't feeling too homesick and my girlfriend Denise who was the best part :)

There are so many things you don't see coming, for instance that car last Thursday. But I did not see this coming, how my time out here would effect me and how it would change my perspectives. I guess that's what travelling and life is about, learning from the new people you meet, letting yourself change and maybe effecting some other people's lives in the process.

It's pretty hard for me to write this post so I won't ramble on, I've loved it here and I can't wait to come back a year from now. Summer will be great and I hope to have some good races...

...Bring on California!


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