Wednesday 12 May 2010


I am sitting here at my kitchen table, post run, post haircut and post morning dog walk with a big fat Nutella sandwich in front of me. However as I was informed by a loyal reader that I had not posted since Sunday (which is only 3 days ago!), I will postpone Nutella time for 10 minutes.

In some way as we seem to very slowly creep towards summer, racing and graduation I feel different. There is a huge sense of freedom on the horizon for sure, this will be my first EVER summer where there is nothing waiting for me at the end, no school, no definite plan as to where I am going to be or what I am going to be doing. I will be training, that is a constant, but where and with whom is a different matter.

As my degree gets wrapped up and I start to pack my bags for 6 months of racing I'm just going to take things as they arrive, race by race and location by location. So many of my friends are nearing this stage as well and we are probably the first generation (that of iPhones and the 24 hour news reel) that will realistically be able to travel, live and work wherever we decide.

I could go on about training and my upcoming races but its been such a long winter and my races are approaching pretty quickly so I'll leave that out today. All thats left to do now is show up and go fast, simple eh?

In short I guess the more time I spend thinking about what I really want to do the more time I spend thinking about what other people want. I hope as I get further into the summer, start enjoying my races and travelling I'll figure it all out. But then again if I don't, I guess it's not the end of the world, who says you need to know exactly whats going on anyway?

I'm off to have my Nutella sandwich :)


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